Vasectomía sin aguja y sin escalpelo en NYC
Para Pacientes Internacionales y Visitantes a New York Urology Specialists
Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea programar unaconsulta,por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros ollámenos / texto: (USA) 1-646-663-5922.
Tenemos excelentes comentarios de pacientes y sus parejas. Información para pacientes fuera del estado e internacionales.
Vasectomía para visitantes a NYC en New York Urology Specialists
Nos complace ver pacientes de todo el mundo vasectomía sin bisturí, sin aguja en New York Urology Specialists Debe ser consciente de que no podemos realizar una vasectomía en la primera visita. Debe realizarse una consulta inicial en persona o a través de una videoconsulta.
Lo que debe saber
La Ley del Estado de Nueva York requiere un período de espera obligatorio de 30 días después de una consulta inicial antes de que se pueda realizar la vasectomía. Si viaja con frecuencia a la ciudad de Nueva York, es posible que se haga una vasectomía durante su próxima visita, siempre y cuando sea dentro de los 3 años de la fecha en que firmó el consentimiento original.
También ofrecemos videoconsultas para hombres que están interesados en hacerse una vasectomía en New York Urology Specialists. Las videoconsultas deben organizarse al menos 30 días antes de programar un procedimiento de vasectomía en nuestra oficina.
Le aconsejamos que no viaje internacionalmente en las primeras 24-48 horas después de una vasectomía o cualquier procedimiento quirúrgico. Si bien las complicaciones son raras, siempre es mejor tratarlas en el sitio.
Si viaja desde otro estado u otro país, por favor contáctenos con antelación para programar una cita y hacer otros arreglos.
Vemos pacientes internacionales de Canadá, Japón, América del Sur, Rusia, Asia, Europa, Oriente Medio, Africa, el Caribe y otras partes del mundo.
¿Dónde obtener vasectomía sin escalpelo en NYC?
En New York Urology Specialists, ofrecemos procedimiento de vasectomía sin bisturí para hombres.
Llame/texto hoy: (USA) 1-646-663-5922 o programe una cita en línea.
Realizamos la vasectomía sin bisturí,reversión de vasectomía, circuncisión cosmética,revisión de la circuncisión,fenuloplastia del pene y ofrecemos tratamiento para la fimosis, balanitis, irritación del pene y enrojecimiento. Tratamos los problemas sexuales y problemas de erección y ofrecemos pruebas integrales de ETS para el diagnóstico de infecciones. Ofrecemos citas confidenciales. Nuestros precios son asequibles con o sin seguro.
Lea Historias Reales de hombres que se sometieron a vasectomía en New York Urology Specialists.
Lea Historias Reales: Vasectomía sin bisturí, sin aguja para un hombre de 31 años con 2 niños.
Lea Historias Reales: Vasectomía para un hombre de 47 años con 1 hijo; recién soltero.
Lea Historias Reales: Revisión de vasectomía y circuncisión en un hombre de 27 años
Lo que necesita saber:
¿Por qué elegir New York Urology Specialists para su vasectomía?
- Todas las vasectomías son realizadas por un urólogo certificado por la junta con experiencia en la realización de vasectomías, no un asistente. Nuestra doctor es uno de los especialistas más experimentados que realizan vasectomía sin bisturí y sin aguja en Nueva York.
- Somos una de las pocas clínicas en la región que ofrece vasectomía sin aguja y sin bisturí.
- Ofrecemos vasectomía bajo anestesia localque evita los riesgos, costos y recuperación de la anestesia general. La mayoría de los hombres son capaces de volver al trabajo de oficina y otras actividades normales al día siguiente.
- Amplia experiencia: Cientos de vasectomías exitosas sin bisturí realizadas bajo anestesia local en el Centro de Vasectomía de New York Urology Specialists.
- Somos una de las pocas prácticas en la región que ofrece una amplia gama de opciones para el tratamiento de problemas sexuales y de erección en los hombres.
- Estamos convenientemente ubicados a 30-60 minutos de viaje diario para los hombres que buscan vasectomía en Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, Long Island, Bronx y Nueva Jersey.
¿Cómo es la cicatriz de la vasectomía?
Puede encontrar imágenes de circuncisión, así como imágenes de antes y después del tratamiento en nuestra galeríade imágenes.
Programación de citas para la vasectomía en New York Urology Specialists
Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea programar unaconsulta,póngase en contacto connosotros o llame / texto: (USA) 1-646-663-5922.
Tenemos excelentes comentarios de pacientes y sus socios. Información para pacientes fuera del estado e internacionales.
Descubra nuestro horario de consulta o la dirección a nuestra clínica. Información para pacientes fuera del estado e internacionales.
by Winston - via on Feb 14, 2021
Dr Alex Shteynshlyuger is the best urology doctor there is. He is attentive, analytical, knowledgeable and skillful. Very confidential with a masterfully professional staff. I would not hesitate in recommending Dr Shteynshlyuger to the world because I am a satisfied patient of his.
by Luis via on Jan 11, 2021
by via on Jan 04, 2021
Yes I would recommend Dr. Shteynshlyuger . Effective physician at all levels.
by Elson via on Nov 25, 2020
This was a very fast and easy process. No pain at all and the job was very well done. He stays on top of your progress and helps to heal faster. I will definitely recommend Dr Alex at all times!!!
by Yannis via on Nov 09, 2020
Very friendly staff, A great experience from the front desk to seeing the doctor. Dr.Shteynshlyuger is very professional and makes you comfortable when you’re in the room. He answers every question with detail. Great place..
by Javier - Via on Oct 11, 2020
I saw the reviews about this place and was very hesitant to go but something was telling me to go with them and I don't regret it at all, the doctor did a great job and helped me understand the process plus the staff was amazing I would highly recommend it to anyone! quick story after the procedure I was in soo much pain and called the office on a SUNDAY, the doctor gave me a call back within 15 minutes and prescribed a stronger medication, to me that meant a lot for the doctor to take time from his day on a Sunday to help me.
by Grant via on Aug 20, 2020
To Dr. Shteynshlyuger and your assistants and aids, thank you guys for a successful procedure. I'd refer you to others for your compassionate, knowledgeable, attentive service and indepth follow up care.
by Christopher via on Mar 11, 2020
The staff is very professional. Doctor Shteynshlyuger provided me with the care I needed. The wait, visits, and instructions were brief. I followed his instructions and my issue was resolved. As a patient exercise patience. Follow the instructions and be honest about your condition and what you hope to accomplish be visiting. Thanks again Doctor.
by via on Oct 29, 2019
Overall, it was a good experience. Dr. Shteynshlyuger (Dr. Alex) was very nice, warm and helpful. He performed a Shang Ring circumcision for me and the procedure went well. I'm pleased with the results and there were no complications. If anyone is interested in the shang ring circumcision in the tristate area, then I'd recommend him. The whole procedure is $1850, which includes the initial consultation (provided that ther are no complications) and every follow up visit up to six months.
What went well
Appointment scheduling Office environment Staff friendliness Wait times Appointment wasn't rushed Listened & answered questions Explained conditions well Trusted the provider's decisionsWhat could be improved
by JOHN on Jul 18, 2019
Therefore I would like to recommend you to anyone who need your services.
by Oliver on Jul 18, 2019
Staff were all very welcoming. Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger was very knowledgeable and attentive during my time spent with him.
by Allan B. on Jul 09, 2019
Went in for a procedure with Dr. Alex and he was very calm and thorough about the the operation and the recovery. From the front desk to his assistants, everyone was very courteous, professional and polite. I highly recommend NY Urologist Specialist. They are outstanding!!!
by on Jun 18, 2019
Professional staff as well as the Doctor
by Mike on Apr 26, 2019
All is perfect. Was perfectly done. Fast recovery. Healed fast.. not 1 complaint
by DAM BEN STANTON on Sep 24, 2018
From the very appointment to the last follow-up visit, I felt I was at the right place and with the right people around me. Dr. Alex Stheynshlyuger and his staff made it easy and confortable. I would recommend them to every man.
by Winston on Sep 15, 2018
I am very please and satisfied with everything that has been offorded to me by New York Urology Specialist Office.....Dr Alex
by Lee St. James on Sep 01, 2018
Dr Alex and his staff are through professionals in every sense of the word. From initial diagnosis to a period of evaluating and ruling out options, we decided upon a surgical solution, which appears for the most part to have corrected the issue. Thanks to Ana, and the staff, especially Dr. Alex for treating me so well. Best regards, Lee
by on Aug 29, 2018
"I had a vasectomy done in April, the doctor and staff we great. The procedure went exactly how the doctor described. I called the doctor with concerns after the procedure and he responded quickly. I would recommend the doctor for anyone looking to have this procedure done." via Aug. 29, 2018
by Christopher cato on Aug 16, 2018
Outstanding service
by juanito creque on Apr 11, 2018
I am very satisfied with the treatment I received at new york urology specialist and would recommend them to other patients.they are the very best.
by Bob Brown on Nov 19, 2017
I am writing to thank dr. Alex. He is thorough, professional, knowledgeable, helpful and friendly. I have seen him for ED and prostate issues, and he has explained all my options clearly, and found solutions that have been a great help. thank you! I highly recommend both Dr. Alex and his staff, which I find to be helpful, friendly, knowledgeable and very professional. They are a pleasure to deal with and all have been a great help.
by Clarence Brown on Sep 14, 2017
I am very much thankful for meeting Dr Alex .I had a very serious medical problem I visited many doctors but none could not help me it was very difficult for me until I visited Dr Alex after a couple visits my medical problem is no more I feel very great also I felt almost 20 years younger Dr Alex is second to none fantastic doctor. Thanks again Dr Alex from my family.
by Andrew on Jun 06, 2017
I can't imagine a vasectomy procedure going more smoothly. I was playing tennis 5 days later. He was extremely professional, knowledgeable, and made me feel very comfortable with his great bedside manner. If you're coming to see him or considering seeing him, be rest assured that you're in good hands! Go for no scalpel vasectomy.
by Michael on Jul 03, 2014
I am feeling better now after visiting clinic New York urology specialists. Excellent staff and appointment on time.
by Joyce T on Feb 16, 2012
Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger and Staff – Thank you so much for taking care of my husband Bob. Dr. Alex: I thank God everyday for you. You were an answer to prayer.
Vasectomía con recuperación rápida en New York Urology Specialists
En New York Urology Specialists, nuestros urólogos están especialmente capacitados en un procedimiento de vasectomía sin bisturí y sin aguja.
También abordamos las preocupaciones sexuales y genitales comunes en los hombres. Entendemos los desafíos que los problemas sexuales y del pene como el dolor en el pene, los cortes en el prepucio, la irritación y la curvatura crean para nuestros pacientes, sus relaciones y su autoestima. Le ayudamos a encontrar un tratamiento para los problemas del pene, incluyendo problemas de apariencia, problemas de prepucio, eyaculación precoz y disfunción eréctil que se adapte a sus necesidades, su estilo de vida y sus preferencias.
Tratamos algunos de los problemas más complejos de pene, escroto y prepucio, incluyendo:
- El prepucio que no se puede retirar
- Tratamiento de hidrocele escrotal
- Revisión de la circuncisión
- Implantes testiculares
- Infertilidad masculina
- Dolor en el pene durante el sexo
- Impotencia en hombres con diabetes.
- Disfunción eréctil en hombres para los que las pastillas orales no funcionan.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea programar unaconsulta por favor póngase en contacto connosotros o llame / texto: (USA) 1-646-663-5922.
Ofrecemos atención de urología asequible y de la más alta calidad con o sin seguro. Infórmese sobre nuestro horario sin cargo o dirección a nuestra oficina. Ofrecemos horarios de oficina de lunes a viernes, en fin de semana y por la noche.
Información para pacientes fuera del estado e internacionales.
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