
亚历克斯医生(Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger)

如果您有任何疑问,需要 预约咨询,  请联系我们或致电/短信: 1-646-663-4125

新优惠! 大折扣,更低的STD 检查价格

在纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists),每位患者都将得到保密的、无偏见的单独评估


我们经验丰富的外科医生在接诊时即可诊断和治疗与性行为有关的病症。 通常情况下,我们在您就诊期间即可确诊或初步推断,您可直接在我们的诊室接受合适的治疗,我们也可将处方发送到您指定的药房。 

纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists)与免费的性病诊所、紧急护理中心、免预约诊所有什么不同?


普通的免费诊所和“急症诊所”进行的性传播疾病检查通常误诊率高达30%。 在纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists),我们也治疗复杂的问题,如尿道炎、前列腺炎、骨盆疼痛和烧灼感。

需预约当天或次日性病检查,请预约咨询, 联系我们,致电/短信:1-646-663-4125


  1. 艾滋病毒(HIV)
  2. 淋病
  3. 乙肝
  4. 丙型肝炎
  5. 1型和2型生殖器疱疹
  6. 支原体
  7. 解脲脲原体
  8. 衣原体 
  9. 梅毒
  10. 毛滴虫 
  11. 尖锐湿疣移除
  12. 传染性软疣

此外,如有必要,我们还提供 HPV 检查,以及 生殖器疱疹检查


新消息! 45岁及以上的男女HPV 疫苗接种

九价HPV 疫苗(Gardasil-9) 被批准用于预防HPV 感染。HPV 感染可引起尖锐湿疣和宫颈癌以及阴茎癌。  纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists)中心为青少年、少年和成年人提供九价HPV 疫苗(Gardasil-9) ,该疫苗覆盖9种亚型的HPV 病毒,预防尖锐湿疣和与HPV 相关的男女癌症。  


我们提供尖锐湿疣有效治疗方案,包括尖锐湿疣切除。 此外,我们为尖锐湿疣频繁复发的男女患者提供HPV 疫苗接种。  

我们治疗男性尖锐湿疣,包括阴茎疣阴囊疣。 我们还可以清除您大腿和小腹上的疣。

纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists)是美国为数不多可 在诊室 局部麻醉治疗尿道疣。患者无需去医院进行全麻醉。 可为您节省数千美元!

当你在纽约泌尿科专家那里接受生殖器疣切除手术时, 生殖器疣切除后恢复 是光滑和容易。


你并不孤单。 我们对待夫妇以及病人与更复杂的情况。





我们看到的第二个意见的许多患者没有得到最新的CDC指南建议的适当治疗。    事实上,许多”性病检测诊所”没有进行最少的病史和体格检查,这可能导致结果不尽如人意。


除了最全面的性病测试外,我们 提供预防选项,包括 HPV疫苗接种,以及高危人群的艾滋病毒预防。  由于许多男性和女性没有正规的初级保健医生,纽约泌尿科专家经常发现并帮助我们的患者解决性病以外的严重医疗问题。  “快速性病诊所”缺乏对健康大局的关注。

如果您有与性病或尿路相关的症状,我们的委员会认证的泌尿科医生能够治疗您,即使您没有性病。  我们对待
尿路感染 (UTI) 
以及 过度活跃的膀胱。

  许多患者被发现有 后尿道炎 ; 尿道炎在男性肛交后也很常见。  性后UTI在女性中很常见。  我们还治疗 阴道酵母感染。 严重的UTI或性病也可能导致 男性前列腺炎。  从本质上讲, 你通过来我们这里做性病检测来节省额外的访问泌尿科医生。

我们提供两种性病 检测和性传播感染治疗。  我们的治疗基于最新的 CDC(疾病控制中心)建议。  我们还提供 生殖器疣去除 以及治疗更复杂的感染,其他诊所根本无法提供。


纽约市是全国性传播疾病 发病率 最高的国家之一。 例如,纽约市感染艾滋病毒的风险几乎是全国平均水平两倍,对30岁以上的男子来说尤其高,60岁以上的男子的风险持续很高。 男同性恋者尤其面临风险,其发病率是其他人群的10倍。 同样,纽约市其他性病的风险也较高。

这意味着你在纽约的性伴侣更有可能患性病,这是定期检测的另一个原因。  有时候问题不在于你和谁上床,而是你的性伴侣和谁上床。  你的风险是暴露和每个性伴侣的暴露的一个因素,这可能是指数。 


虽然阴道、口腔和/或肛交可能导致性传播疾病的传播可能很明显,但通常用来预防性病的方法 可能仍然允许性传播疾病的传播,这一点并不明显。 一般来说,异性恋男性患性传播疾病的风险比男同性恋者低,但实际风险因性伴侣的数量和性行为而异。  一般来说,纽约市所有男性患性病的风险都高于美国其他地方。

最近一项针对美国男性的研究表明,所有 男性中,有0.7 人感染了艾滋病病毒,61名男子对疱疹有血清阳性,14人感染或接触过HPV(人皮瘤病毒)。 HPV是生殖器 疣,口腔癌,阴茎癌,妇女宫颈癌和男同性恋肛门癌的原因。


一些性传播 疾病 主要通过液体传播,其他人可以通过皮肤到皮肤的接触传播。 艾滋病毒可以通过精液、血液和 尿液传播。 我们现在认识到,艾滋病毒也可能通过 接吻和 唾液传播,特别是当有明显或 微小的皮肤或粘膜破裂时。

其他性传播疾病可能通过皮肤接触传播,例如疱疹病毒。 佩戴安全套等屏障可能会降低疱疹传播的机会,但不会消除它。



需要注意的是,许多性传播疾病可能不会在男性和女性中引起任何症状,或可能导致他们很少。 疾病控制中心(CDC)建议对所有 有性传播疾病风险的男性和女性进行性病检测。



所有性活跃的男性和女性都建议疾病控制中心(CDC)对性病进行检测。  CDC建议对女性进行性病检测,包括有危险的异性恋男性以及男男性。



当涉及到性传播疾病的检测,重要的是测试是全面的,否则可能会错过感染。  即使你的伴侣没有检测出同一感染呈阳性,你也会感染。  一些男性和女性可能感染了性传播疾病,并将其传染给其他人,但测试呈阴性,因为他们的免疫系统在测试时可能已经将疾病从系统中清除,或者测试可能错过了。


我们测试以下性传播疾病 (STD):


在曼哈顿、布鲁克林、皇后区和布朗克斯的所有性病、UTI 和前列腺炎的治疗。



纽约市的HPV预防:HPV 疫苗接种,预防HPV疣和男性和女性癌症

我们现在提供 HPV疫苗接种 市场上最有效的疫苗 加尔达西尔-9.  对于每个45岁以下的男性和女性以及26岁以后感染HPV风险较高的男性和女性来说,接种疫苗是一个不错的选择。  老年男性也可以得到Gardasil-9 HPV疫苗。


如果您有任何疑问,需要 安排咨询,  



卓越-Urology_Care横幅2在纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists),我们的泌尿专家在评估和治疗性传播感染(STI)方面受过专业训练,经验丰富。  我们清楚了解性传播疾病(STDs)——如衣原体病、疱疹、淋病、解脲支原体等,如何影响患者的关系和自尊,以及疾病带来的挑战。  我们帮您寻找有效的治疗方案,来治疗由性传播疾病(STD)、泌尿系统感染(UTI)或其他疾病引起的症状。 

泌尿专家专治男女性传播疾病引起的感染症状,也治疗膀胱感染(UTI)。 凭借我们的经验和技能,我们能够为几乎每一个有泌尿问题和膀胱控制问题的男女提供有效的治疗方案。   


预约亚历克斯医生(Dr. Shteynshlyuger):

致电/短信:1-646-663-4125 或 在线预约 

亚历克斯医生(Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger)是行业认证的泌尿科医师,擅长使用先进有效的治疗方法,为患有泌尿问题的男女患者提供诊治。  他在纽约地区备受业内顶尖的外科医师推崇。 如果您或您认识的人出现泌尿系统症状,请预约 亚历克斯医生(Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger),获取他的专业意见。 请随时 联系我们 咨询任何相关问题。



Patients Reviews

Overall Rating:


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Total Reviews



Ease of Appointment: Bedside Manner:
Promptness: Spends Time with Me:
Courteous Staff: Follows Up After Visit:
Accurate Diagnosis:

finally able to enjoy life again
by on Dec 16, 2020

Dr. Alex absolutely changed my life and restored my faith in doctors. When my condition first started I saw four different urologists over a period of about 6 months. All four either laughed me out of their office saying there’s nothing they could do to help, that my pain was normal, or prescribed me something that did not help or made everything worse. I prepared to live my life (22 years old now) with chronic pain that made participating in every day activities extremely difficult. Finally after getting the courage to start looking for new doctors again I found Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger and decided to give his office a call. I proceeded to see him shortly after my call, and now a few visits and months later I am finally able to enjoy life again. Dr. Alex took the time to do the tests that other doctors did not even mention. He took different approaches, gave well explained answers to all of my questions, and made me feel like there are some doctors who really do care. On top of all of that he has some of the most helpful and kind staff I have come across. I cannot stress enough how thankful I am for Dr. Alex!

Great place
by on Nov 09, 2020

Very friendly staff, A great experience from the front desk to seeing the doctor. Dr.Shteynshlyuger is very professional and makes you comfortable when you’re in the room. He answers every question with detail. Great place..

2 years free of any UTI
by on Apr 09, 2020

This urologist has helped me for my constant UTI’s He gave me a few tests, diagnosed the problem and now I’m 2 years free if any UTI. A kind, intelligent, caring doctor LucretiaLaMura

Buen doctor
by on Jan 14, 2020

Muy buen doctor. Y sobre todo el personal muy amable se preocupan por uno buen servicio

Thank you doc !!!
by on Aug 14, 2019

Great doctor, good bedside manner and always felt comfortable talking to him and the staff. Great location and affordable prices. Thank you doc !!!

What went well

Appointment scheduling Office environment Staff friendliness Appointment wasn't rushed Listened & answered questions Explained conditions well Trusted the provider's decisions

Office very convenient location
by on Aug 13, 2019

Office very convenient location Don’t have to wait for long Staff very friendly Dr shteynshyuer very experienced I had my serviced done in 3 visits now I feel good now Than you Dr. shteynhlyuger

positive experience
by on Aug 09, 2019

Dr. Shteynshlyuger is professional, knowledgeable, and experienced. I had a positive experience with him.

Urology Visit
by on Jul 18, 2019

Staff were all very welcoming. Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger was very knowledgeable and attentive during my time spent with him.

Professional staff as well as the Doctor
by on Jun 18, 2019

Professional staff as well as the Doctor

Great follow ups
by on Mar 17, 2019

Overall, I am happy with the services provided by Dr. Alex and his office staff. They are second to none when regarding follow-ups and getting back to you promptly, which is definitely not always the case with specialists. Furthermore, living abroad, he has offered to continue to treat me via skype and through email, which has been hugely helpful considering the medical care where I live is not as comprehensive as in the United States.

by on Jan 28, 2019

Absolutely amazing!

Friendly , courteous, effiecient and professional
by on Sep 15, 2018

Wyts Wyts recommends New York Urology Specialists via Facebook. September 15, 2018 · Friendly , courteous, effiecient and professional staff members. This office i highly recommend for any and all Urology matters. Dr Alex Shteynshlyuger is very professional and knowledgable easy to communicate with. Thanks Dr Alex

by on Aug 16, 2018

Outstanding service

urology services
by on Apr 11, 2018

I am very satisfied with the treatment I received at new york urology specialist and would recommend them to other patients.they are the very best.

by on Nov 19, 2017

I am writing to thank dr. Alex. He is thorough, professional, knowledgeable, helpful and friendly. I have seen him for ED and prostate issues, and he has explained all my options clearly, and found solutions that have been a great help. thank you! I highly recommend both Dr. Alex and his staff, which I find to be helpful, friendly, knowledgeable and very professional. They are a pleasure to deal with and all have been a great help.

Dr visit
by on Sep 14, 2017

I am very much thankful for meeting Dr Alex .I had a very serious medical problem I visited many doctors but none could not help me it was very difficult for me until I visited Dr Alex after a couple visits my medical problem is no more I feel very great also I felt almost 20 years younger Dr Alex is second to none fantastic doctor. Thanks again Dr Alex from my family.

by on Jun 04, 2017

" He found my source of testicular pain that was missed by a Urologist from my insurance provider. Although I paid to go out of network- any price is less than testicular pain. He is generous with his time and will not short change anyone for care." via Vitals.com Posted on June 4th, 2017

Excellent doctor
by on Jul 03, 2014

I am feeling better now after visiting clinic New York urology specialists. Excellent staff and appointment on time.

We love you!
by on Feb 16, 2012

Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger and Staff – Thank you so much for taking care of my husband Bob. Dr. Alex: I thank God everyday for you. You were an answer to prayer.

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