费用信息: 支付政策和保险计划

不论是否有保险,我们都乐意为所有患者提供服务。 我们也为来自美国各州以及自世界各地的游客患者提供就诊服务。  

如有任何疑问, 需预约咨询, 请 联系我们或致电/短信: 1-646-663-4477.  

我们获得了来自患者及伴侣的一致好评。 纽约州外及国际患者信息咨询 



没有保险? 没关系。  我们为没有保险的患者提供优惠折扣,付款时即可享受。 您也可以申请 免息的医疗和非医疗费用贷款。 点击查看资质。  

我们在纽约市中心提供最优质、最高价值的泌尿服务。 点击了解医疗服务的真实成本,以及我们如何帮您省下您的辛苦钱


纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists)的泌尿科医生致力于提供 纽约市最高质量的泌尿科护理。  根据您的保险政策,我们可提供保险网络内或网络外的医疗服务。  您可以 预约我们享受医疗服务,即便我们不在您的健康保险计划内。  我们 免费提供无责保险验证.

您可以使用您保险计划的网络外医疗福利,若无福利,也可直接向我们付款。 如您对您的医疗保险有疑问,请联系我们或联系您的保险公司。

作为加盟医生,纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists)的外科医生接受传统的联邦医疗保险(Medicare)。   您在接受服务时应付保险自付额和免赔额。


如果您没有健康保险,或者您的保险没有网络外福利,我们将很乐意以折扣价为您提供出色的护理。 所有款项应在享受服务的同时结清。  我们擅长为没有保险或自付患者提供低价且优质的泌尿外科医疗服务

我们的目标是为您提供最优质的服务,同时最大化减少您的支出。  我们可定期提供 通用药物;我们通常可先为您提供药物样品,您可在药品有治疗效果之后再进行付费。  我们提供 覆盖多种药物的药物储蓄计划


我们 为有高免赔额保险的患者提供高质量、划算的泌尿外科医疗服务。  我们将与您一起找出适合您的最优质、最低成本的医疗方案。  您在我们这里享受到的低价优质的服务,通常会比保险网络内的外科医生收费更低。  请联系我们 预约诊疗。  如您需要支付免赔额方面的帮助, 可以了解年利率0%的医疗或非医疗贷款政策。 点击查看资质。  


我们接受现金、所有主流信用卡以及Paypal。 您可以在这里申请低利息信用卡贷款: 您也可以申请 低利息信用卡用于您的医疗和非医疗支出。 点击查看资质。  


无论您有传统医保、无医保、有高免赔额保险、现金支付或是国际患者,我们都诚挚欢迎您。  我们提供高质量、价格合理的医疗服务。

我们认为您的治疗不应该被保险政策限制。 纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists)是一家医疗保险网络内的医疗服务机构。   纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists)和亚历克斯医生(Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger) 目前还没有与其他保险网络签约。  我们很乐意作为您的网络外诊所为您服务。 如我们是您的网络外服务商,您的保险公司可能会报销您部分或全部的医疗费用。 我们的服务价格简单且明示。 医疗费用如下示例。 如需获取更多价格详情,请与我们联系。


  常规自付费用起价: 预付款折扣费用起价:
初次会诊: $385* $285*
复诊: $265* $ 85 *

*费用包括医师对一个简单问题的评估( 99203 访问级别);较高的费用适用于更复杂的会诊。其他检测和手术可能会产生额外的费用。如您使用信用卡、借记卡或预付卡支付,银行会向我们收取首次支付10美元的手续费,以及后续支付5美元的手续费,这部分费用由您来承担。)。 *这些折扣仅适用于无法负担标准费率或健康保险费的自费患者。  较高的常规费用适用于未预付款的患者或有保险的患者。 

对于没有保险的自费用户,如选择即时付款,我们会当即提供折扣。 我们也为预付患者提供独家的、各项全包的泌尿系统医疗计划。 如您有美国联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare),通常您需自付20%,如您有二次保险,这部分费用通常可以报销。


我们理解计划赶不上变化。 如果您无法赴约,请至少提前72小时告知我们。  取消医生会诊和手术预约将会产生违约金。


我们的付款政策简单明了。 我们诚意为您提供纽约市最杰出的泌尿外科医疗服务,不论您是否有商业保险,或保险有高免费额。   如我们的服务不在您的保险公司的保险范围内,我们也会十分高兴接待您。 不过请留心,取决于您的保险计划,您的自付金额可能会更高。

我们 价格合理,通常 比您到医院看同级别的外科医生的费用更低。  如有必要,我们会与您一起讨论出 更多费用方案, 供您选择。  我们的目标很明确:提供纽约市最好的泌尿外科医疗服务。

外科医生的费用在您的医疗支出中仅占一小部分。  为了帮您减轻医疗支出,我们可以为您开具通用的药物,这些药物有着相同的治疗成分,花费更少,疗效和昂贵的品牌药物一致。  因为我们是独立的诊室,可为您提供更多选择, 您的网络外就诊总支出可能会比您到医院看外科医生的费用更低。  举个例子,比如您需要做CT 检查或MRI(核磁共振成像),门诊中心的价格可能是300-400美元,而在医院则需花费1000-3000美元。   请联系您的保险公司咨询医疗费用信息。

我们接受现金付款,所有主要信用卡,包括Visa,Mastercard,American Express,PayPal和支票。 点击查看更多可选的费用方案

如您要求手术,您应该与您的保险公司讨论您的情况,以获知您的保险政策可报销的范围。 如您有网络外福利,保险公司可能会报销全部或部分外科医生费。 您可能需要承担自付额,共付额和/或其他费用。

我们会协助您提供保险公司需要的索赔和保险材料。 请注意,在特定的手术前,您可能需要向保险公司索取事前授权医院或手术中心费用和外科医生费是分开的两项收费,请您知晓。 您的保险可能会被医院或手术中心接受。


为什么选择纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists)治疗泌尿系统问题?

  • 所有 治疗由认证泌尿科专家进行。我们的泌尿科专家经验丰富,擅长治疗泌尿问题、性问题及肾脏、膀胱、前列腺和睾丸癌。
  • 我们是纽约地区为数不多可提供男女泌尿问题全面诊疗的机构。
  • 我们在诊室提供诊断检测,避免医院的高花费。  我们提供可在诊室进行的局部麻醉手术,避免全身麻醉的高风险和高花费。 大多数患者第二天就可以恢复工作和其他正常活动。
  • 丰富的经验:我们通过药物治疗和手术成功治疗了数千位各年龄段的男女患者。
  • 我们是纽约地区为数不多可为男女提供性疾病和泌尿问题全面诊疗的机构
  • 我们的诊室交通便利,对于曼哈顿、布鲁克林、皇后区、斯塔顿岛、韦斯特切斯特、长岛、布朗克斯和新泽西寻求ED治疗的男性,仅需30-60分钟往返时间

预约纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists)的顶级泌尿科医生

如有任何疑问, 需预约咨询, 请 联系我们或致电/短信: 1-646-663-4477.

我们获得了来自患者及伴侣的一致好评。 纽约州外及国际患者信息咨询 



亚历克斯医生(Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger)是纽约市行业认证的泌尿科医师,擅长治疗复杂的男女泌尿问题。 他成功操刀了数千台泌尿外科手术。

Patients Reviews

Overall Rating:


Total Ratings


Total Reviews



Ease of Appointment: Bedside Manner:
Promptness: Spends Time with Me:
Courteous Staff: Follows Up After Visit:
Accurate Diagnosis:

The Best of the Best
by on Dec 13, 2023

Webster dictionary defines perfect as being entirely without fault or defect. This is Dr. Alex personified. This doctor is truly exceptional! From the moment I entered the doors to the office, I felt welcomed, cared for, and completely at ease. Dr. Alex Shteynshlyugerhas gone above and beyond to be sure that my complete health and wellness have been made first priority.He is extremely knowledgable and personable. I never was made to wait. And if ever I needed to contact him or his staff, they were super speedy in responding by my inquiries. The office is inviting and his beautiful staff members are friendly and helpful in every way. I feel very comfortable in his care and would recommend him to anyone who needs a doctor. Larry Keshinover - December 11, 2023

by on Jul 04, 2022

Dr. Alex and all members of his staff are very attentive and professional. They are always willing to adjust to patient requests regarding scheduling and time. I've never had a negative experience when visiting the office and would highly recommend Dr. Alex and staff!

Circumcision and vasectomy
by on Feb 22, 2022

Todo muy bien con el personal, la cirugia, el seguimiento, etc. Lo unico que podria decir un poquito negativo es el tiempo de espera despues de la hora de la cita fue bastante, pero con relacion a todo lo demas es excelente.

by on Dec 16, 2021

Great experience

best urology doctor
by on Feb 14, 2021

Dr Alex Shteynshlyuger is the best urology doctor there is. He is attentive, analytical, knowledgeable and skillful. Very confidential with a masterfully professional staff. I would not hesitate in recommending Dr Shteynshlyuger to the world because I am a satisfied patient of his.

solved my problem with ED
by on Jan 29, 2021

Dr. Shteynshlyuger helped to solve my problem with ED

100% perfect circumcision
by on Jan 21, 2021

Dr. Shteynshlyuger did what I would call an 100% perfect circumcision on me. I can’t even find my scar. He cut the precise right amount of skin. I now feel extremely happy, confident, and proud of how it looks. I am 100% satisfied with my results and I would recommend him to any guy seeking an adult circumcision. I healed in 5.5 weeks but his recommendation is 6 weeks to heal so that means zero “activity” for 6 weeks to avoid damaging the stitching. The surgical glue I pulled off at 5.5 weeks. It is important to not remove it before! The lower posterior of my shaft did not look good at first, especially w/ the surgical glue on it, but over weeks it looked better and better w/ the final results by 5.5-6 weeks being excellent When the doctor injected the anesthetic, it was painful since he must inject it deep ~6-8times. During the surgery my discomfort was maybe a 1/10, so tolerable. Make sure to buy lots of bandages/gauze before/after for daily change for 5-6 weeks

What went well

Appointment scheduling Office environment Staff friendliness Appointment wasn't rushed Listened & answered questions Explained conditions well Trusted the provider's decisions

What could be improved

Long wait times

Very Pleased
by on Jan 21, 2021

Very Pleased, I couldn’t have asked for more from Dr. S as well as everyone in the office, The procedure and after was a dream with Dr. S. If you are on the fence, I can tell you, that you will love your experience with Dr. S

by on Jan 11, 2021


treatment from New York Urology
by on Jan 07, 2021

My problem with ED is gone with my treatment from New York Urology!

What went well

Appointment scheduling Office environment Staff friendliness Wait times Appointment wasn't rushed Listened & answered questions Explained conditions well Trusted the provider's decisions

What could be improved

recommend Dr. Shteynshlyuger
by on Jan 04, 2021

Yes I would recommend Dr. Shteynshlyuger . Effective physician at all levels.

finally able to enjoy life again
by on Dec 16, 2020

Dr. Alex absolutely changed my life and restored my faith in doctors. When my condition first started I saw four different urologists over a period of about 6 months. All four either laughed me out of their office saying there’s nothing they could do to help, that my pain was normal, or prescribed me something that did not help or made everything worse. I prepared to live my life (22 years old now) with chronic pain that made participating in every day activities extremely difficult. Finally after getting the courage to start looking for new doctors again I found Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger and decided to give his office a call. I proceeded to see him shortly after my call, and now a few visits and months later I am finally able to enjoy life again. Dr. Alex took the time to do the tests that other doctors did not even mention. He took different approaches, gave well explained answers to all of my questions, and made me feel like there are some doctors who really do care. On top of all of that he has some of the most helpful and kind staff I have come across. I cannot stress enough how thankful I am for Dr. Alex!

No pain at all
by on Nov 25, 2020

This was a very fast and easy process. No pain at all and the job was very well done. He stays on top of your progress and helps to heal faster. I will definitely recommend Dr Alex at all times!!!

Great place
by on Nov 09, 2020

Very friendly staff, A great experience from the front desk to seeing the doctor. Dr.Shteynshlyuger is very professional and makes you comfortable when you’re in the room. He answers every question with detail. Great place..

I would highly recommend it to anyone
by on Oct 11, 2020

I saw the reviews about this place and was very hesitant to go but something was telling me to go with them and I don't regret it at all, the doctor did a great job and helped me understand the process plus the staff was amazing I would highly recommend it to anyone! quick story after the procedure I was in soo much pain and called the office on a SUNDAY, the doctor gave me a call back within 15 minutes and prescribed a stronger medication, to me that meant a lot for the doctor to take time from his day on a Sunday to help me.

highly qualified diagnostician
by on Sep 23, 2020

I have been observed by Dr. Alex for many years and I must say that he is a highly qualified diagnostician, and also several times I have received qualified microsurgical assistance and very useful advice. The only reason I put 4 with a plus is a somewhat long wait for the reception.

successful procedure
by on Aug 20, 2020

To Dr. Shteynshlyuger and your assistants and aids, thank you guys for a successful procedure. I'd refer you to others for your compassionate, knowledgeable, attentive service and indepth follow up care.

I am very happy with this doctor.
by on Aug 12, 2020

I am very happy with this doctor. He is very patient and he understood all my problems. He also answered my questions and gave me some good advice.

very friendly staff
by on Apr 12, 2020

excellent doctor and all very friendly staff

2 years free of any UTI
by on Apr 09, 2020

This urologist has helped me for my constant UTI’s He gave me a few tests, diagnosed the problem and now I’m 2 years free if any UTI. A kind, intelligent, caring doctor LucretiaLaMura

Doctor Shteynshlyuger provided me with the care I needed
by on Mar 11, 2020

The staff is very professional. Doctor Shteynshlyuger provided me with the care I needed. The wait, visits, and instructions were brief. I followed his instructions and my issue was resolved. As a patient exercise patience. Follow the instructions and be honest about your condition and what you hope to accomplish be visiting. Thanks again Doctor.

Patient review
by on Jan 24, 2020

Buen doctor
by on Jan 14, 2020

Muy buen doctor. Y sobre todo el personal muy amable se preocupan por uno buen servicio

Thank you for your hlep
by on Dec 10, 2019

Amazing doctor and staff. Thank you!

Shang Ring circumcision
by on Oct 29, 2019

Overall, it was a good experience. Dr. Shteynshlyuger (Dr. Alex) was very nice, warm and helpful. He performed a Shang Ring circumcision for me and the procedure went well. I'm pleased with the results and there were no complications. If anyone is interested in the shang ring circumcision in the tristate area, then I'd recommend him. The whole procedure is $1850, which includes the initial consultation (provided that ther are no complications) and every follow up visit up to six months.

What went well

Appointment scheduling Office environment Staff friendliness Wait times Appointment wasn't rushed Listened & answered questions Explained conditions well Trusted the provider's decisions

What could be improved

Thank you doc !!!
by on Aug 14, 2019

Great doctor, good bedside manner and always felt comfortable talking to him and the staff. Great location and affordable prices. Thank you doc !!!

What went well

Appointment scheduling Office environment Staff friendliness Appointment wasn't rushed Listened & answered questions Explained conditions well Trusted the provider's decisions

Office very convenient location
by on Aug 13, 2019

Office very convenient location Don’t have to wait for long Staff very friendly Dr shteynshyuer very experienced I had my serviced done in 3 visits now I feel good now Than you Dr. shteynhlyuger

positive experience
by on Aug 09, 2019

Dr. Shteynshlyuger is professional, knowledgeable, and experienced. I had a positive experience with him.

Peronis Disease
by on Aug 04, 2019

Dr Alex was both knowledgeable and concise with his diagnosis and advice which was well received. Dr was her knowledgeable in the subject and provided good advice.

by on Jul 26, 2019

The staff are very friendly and efficient. Appointment ease is excellent. Dr. S. is terrific diagnostician, answers your questions quickly tries to assess how you are doing and focus on the purpose(s) of our visit Treatment alternatives are discussed . The longer you are a patient, the better the experience is.

3P Removal
by on Jul 24, 2019

Went to get my penile papule remove. Got done same day, it was fast, great staff, and most importantly, pleased with the result.

by on Jul 18, 2019

Therefore I would like to recommend you to anyone who need your services.

Urology Visit
by on Jul 18, 2019

Staff were all very welcoming. Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger was very knowledgeable and attentive during my time spent with him.

by on Jul 09, 2019

Went in for a procedure with Dr. Alex and he was very calm and thorough about the the operation and the recovery. From the front desk to his assistants, everyone was very courteous, professional and polite. I highly recommend NY Urologist Specialist. They are outstanding!!!

Care at NY Urology Specialists
by on Jul 06, 2019

I am a 54 year-old male who is extremely happy with my care at New York Urology Specialists. I came to see Dr. Alex out of near desperation after consulting with three other urologists. Literally over one night, I began experiencing severe penile pain and burning. None of the other urologists were able to help diagnose what my problem was and seemingly didn't take my problem very seriously. In fact, one of them specifically told me at it had nothing to do with my prostate. After 6 weeks of suffering, I saw Dr. Alex. He examined me and gave me some tests and lab work. He very quickly ascertained that my problem was due to an enlarged prostate. He proscribed medicine to deal with my pain in the short-term and keep my prostate size in check over the long-term. My problem quickly disappeared. Today, 5 years later, I feel great. Dr, Alex listens to you as a patient, takes your opinion and health concerns seriously and knows his field inside-and-out so that you can get proper treatment for your problem. I can't thank him enough for diagnosing and solving my malady - you sometimes can't appreciate a problem until you have it. Getting rid of it and getting back to normal is so important - I am so glad that I saw Dr. Alex for my problem.

Highly grateful
by on Jun 18, 2019

Dr. Shteynshlyuger is a very patient, understanding and caring doctor. I came to take opinion on my father’s treatment going on in my home country. Highly satisfied from his responses. He even responded to so many of my queries through patient portal . Highly grateful.

Professional staff as well as the Doctor
by on Jun 18, 2019

Professional staff as well as the Doctor

No scalpel vasectomy
by on Apr 26, 2019

All is perfect. Was perfectly done. Fast recovery. Healed fast.. not 1 complaint

by on Mar 27, 2019


Great follow ups
by on Mar 17, 2019

Overall, I am happy with the services provided by Dr. Alex and his office staff. They are second to none when regarding follow-ups and getting back to you promptly, which is definitely not always the case with specialists. Furthermore, living abroad, he has offered to continue to treat me via skype and through email, which has been hugely helpful considering the medical care where I live is not as comprehensive as in the United States.

by on Jan 28, 2019

Absolutely amazing!

by on Oct 27, 2018

Dr Alex is a wonderful Urologist Among the best. Patient, caring, professional. Highly recommend him and his efficient staff. Thanks

First class Surgeon & staff
by on Sep 24, 2018

From the very appointment to the last follow-up visit, I felt I was at the right place and with the right people around me. Dr. Alex Stheynshlyuger and his staff made it easy and confortable. I would recommend them to every man.

Friendly , courteous, effiecient and professional
by on Sep 15, 2018

Wyts Wyts recommends New York Urology Specialists via Facebook. September 15, 2018 · Friendly , courteous, effiecient and professional staff members. This office i highly recommend for any and all Urology matters. Dr Alex Shteynshlyuger is very professional and knowledgable easy to communicate with. Thanks Dr Alex

Satisfied Patient
by on Sep 15, 2018

I am very please and satisfied with everything that has been offorded to me by New York Urology Specialist Office.....Dr Alex

Surgical Procedure
by on Sep 01, 2018

Dr Alex and his staff are through professionals in every sense of the word. From initial diagnosis to a period of evaluating and ruling out options, we decided upon a surgical solution, which appears for the most part to have corrected the issue. Thanks to Ana, and the staff, especially Dr. Alex for treating me so well. Best regards, Lee

by on Aug 16, 2018

Outstanding service

A very good doctor
by on Aug 15, 2018

Dr. Alex Shteynshlyugerand is careful, patient, experienced. Uses innovative approaches, that actually yield results. He is indeed a good doctor, in every sense

urology services
by on Apr 11, 2018

I am very satisfied with the treatment I received at new york urology specialist and would recommend them to other patients.they are the very best.

Excellent doctor
by on Feb 19, 2018

I saw Dr. Alex for kidney stones. I'm very pleased with the results.

Excellent services. Very knownelge
by on Jan 31, 2018

We came to New your urologiy specialist from another state for a second opinion . Dr Shteynshlyuger was able to make the diagnosis in his office which was very convenient for the patient. His staff is very knowledgeable and very competent.

My wife was elated
by on Jan 15, 2018

Well I put it to use last night and man, good job. My wife was elated. u made it much better somehow, so thank u for fixing my penis

Thank you for your hlep
by on Dec 14, 2017

Hello, I wanted to simply thank you for your help. My condition has improved. I saw my regular Urologist yesterday and he agreed with everything you said. I am most appreciative of the speed and efficiency with which I was able to see you. I will be using the cream for another 2-3 weeks and hopefully that will be the end of my trouble. However, if not you can be assured that I will visit your practice again. Thank you for seeing me yesterday. In many ways my mind was put at ease. The operation is very efficient and professional.

by on Dec 05, 2017

"Cannot express how thankful I am I found Dr. Shtetnshlyuger. After undergoing surgery to correct a penile torsion I couldn't be happier with the results. A great doctor who is clearly good at what he does. With something as important as your private area, It's nice to be able to rest easy and know you are in good hands.." via HealthGrades.com 12/5/2017

by on Nov 19, 2017

I am writing to thank dr. Alex. He is thorough, professional, knowledgeable, helpful and friendly. I have seen him for ED and prostate issues, and he has explained all my options clearly, and found solutions that have been a great help. thank you! I highly recommend both Dr. Alex and his staff, which I find to be helpful, friendly, knowledgeable and very professional. They are a pleasure to deal with and all have been a great help.

by on Nov 18, 2017

The attention and care that I received were reassuring and superb. My uneasiness was quickly dispelled by the skill and efficiency they demonstrated during the brief procedure. As a result, my comfort and appearance has improved considerably, and I highly value both Dr. Alex and his staff.

Dr visit
by on Sep 14, 2017

I am very much thankful for meeting Dr Alex .I had a very serious medical problem I visited many doctors but none could not help me it was very difficult for me until I visited Dr Alex after a couple visits my medical problem is no more I feel very great also I felt almost 20 years younger Dr Alex is second to none fantastic doctor. Thanks again Dr Alex from my family.

Urination problem
by on Aug 25, 2017

Thank you New York Urology Specialists for helping with my problem. The doctor and the staff are great!

Good Dr. who cares about his patients
by on Aug 18, 2017

Received circumcision from Dr. Shteynshlyuger. Dr. Shteynshlyuger is a very good specialist who cares for his patients. He was always concerned with my physical and mental comfort prior, during and post-operation. Dr. Alex is very thorough in his work to assess any problems and provide the necessary solution. Being that he has recently moved to a new location, this may afford for speedier appointments and easier flow of patients in and out. In addition, more personal space for waiting patients. If there was any con, it would be, the lack of space at his prior office and being able to see his patients at the appointed time, but a necessary sacrifice for good, careful work. I would recommend him as a very good doctor.

No scalpel vasectomy
by on Jun 06, 2017

I can't imagine a vasectomy procedure going more smoothly. I was playing tennis 5 days later. He was extremely professional, knowledgeable, and made me feel very comfortable with his great bedside manner. If you're coming to see him or considering seeing him, be rest assured that you're in good hands! Go for no scalpel vasectomy.

by on Jun 04, 2017

" He found my source of testicular pain that was missed by a Urologist from my insurance provider. Although I paid to go out of network- any price is less than testicular pain. He is generous with his time and will not short change anyone for care." via Vitals.com Posted on June 4th, 2017

Worth the wait
by on Nov 15, 2014

I went to see Dr. Shteynshlyuger for a second opinion about a urinary problem after having a continuing issue for many months that wasn\'t getting better. He seemed very knowledgeable. I highly recommend him. Cons: If you\'re not the first patient the wait can be LONG.

Excellent doctor
by on Jul 03, 2014

I am feeling better now after visiting clinic New York urology specialists. Excellent staff and appointment on time.

Thank you
by on Jul 03, 2014

Since starting the [medications], my cramps and burning have mostly gone. The biggest benefit is my leaking has been reduced to the lowest amount in almost 10 years.

My cramps and burning are gone
by on May 23, 2013

Dear Dr. Alex – Since starting the [treatment], my cramps and burning have mostly gone. The biggest benefit is my leaking has been reduced to the lowest amount in almost 10 years. Charles M. Date: 2013

Thanks to you
by on May 16, 2013

Dear Dr. Alex -On behalf of John and myself – Our thanks to you for the care and concern of your help to Jack with his cancer problems. We will miss you & wish you only the best. Sincerely John & Pat Date: 2013

Thank you for excellent care
by on Jan 07, 2013

Dear Dr. Alex: We want to thank you for the excellent care you provided for George during his emergency operation and the follow up treatment. Your quiet, confident manner was reassuring to us during a very scary time for us. We will never forget you. George Sally R. Date: 2013

We appreciate all that you did to help my dad
by on Sep 17, 2012

Dear Dr. Alex – I just wanted to write you a note to thank you for all of the care you have gave to my father during his illness. We appreciate all that you did to help my dad through his illness. We wanted to be sure to let you know how much it meant to us. Sincerely Joanne R.

We love you!
by on Feb 16, 2012

Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger and Staff – Thank you so much for taking care of my husband Bob. Dr. Alex: I thank God everyday for you. You were an answer to prayer.


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纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists)微创手术,快速康复

卓越-Urology_Care横幅2在纽约泌尿专家中心(New York Urology Specialists),我们的泌尿科专家擅长评估和 治疗男性性问题,包括ED,佩罗尼氏病和阴茎痛。  我们治疗男女泌尿系统疾病和骨盆疼痛。  我们还治疗其他各种问题,包括尿路感染,尿血,性病和生殖器疣。  我们了解泌尿系统问题如何影响患者的关系和自尊,例如尿频、尿失禁、尿路感染、会阴和骨盆疼痛、阴茎疼痛、勃起功能障碍和阴茎弯曲等。  我们帮助您找到适合您的需求,生活方式和喜好的泌尿科疾病的治疗方法。

泌尿科医生专门治疗男女泌尿问题和性问题,包括肾脏问题、膀胱问题、阴茎问题、阴囊问题和勃起功能障碍。 凭借我们的经验和技能,我们几乎可以为所有男女患者提供生殖系统问题相关的有效的治疗方案。  我们为男性性病患者提供药物和手术治疗。


预约亚历克斯医生(Dr. Shteynshlyuger):

今天致电/短信: 1-646-663-4477  或  在线   预约

亚历克斯医生(Dr. Alex Shteynshlyuger)是行业认证的泌尿科医师,擅长使用先进有效循证方案治疗男女泌尿问题。 我们提供男女泌尿问题、性问题(包括男性勃起功能障碍、佩罗尼氏病)有效治疗方案

他在纽约地区备受业内顶尖的外科医师推崇。 如您或身边的朋友有泌尿问题困扰,请预约 亚历克斯医生(Dr. Shteynshlyuger)咨询他的专业意见。 请随时 联系我们 咨询任何问题。

如有任何疑问, 需预约咨询, 请 联系我们或致电/短信: 1-646-663-4477.

我们获得了来自患者及伴侣的一致好评。 纽约州外及国际患者信息咨询 


查看我们的办公时间诊室路线。 我们提供工作日,周末和晚班工作时间。


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